Wednesday, April 27, 2022

A Reckoning of the Gospel


A Reckoning of the Gospel

Chaplain Horace Cutter

NLT John 20:19 That evening, on the first day of the week, the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! "Peace be with you," he said.

    This familiar reminder of the resurrection story opens all kinds of thoughts for the searching Bible student.  Years ago, I was alerted to the fact that it points to the picture it gives us that Jesus walked through the walls in his resurrected body.  Wow, What a passage!   Jesus still doing amazing things and giving his disciples faith, hope and love. 

But the passage gives rise to another thought. 

     When the disciples were afraid that they were next because they followed Jesus, that was no delve into speculation.  Many times, in ancient days those taking power over from a ruler or king would go after his most obvious next leader to make sure they don’t gain strength from the death of the leader so that the movement would go on.  The Jews very well could have been planning to come after the disciples, I just think that Governor Pilate was not about to have another issue to explain to Cesar.    

       But what I see here is the way that the disciples saw, in the crucifixion of Jesus, their own mortality.  Let’s face it.  Walking with Jesus must have given them a certain type of hope that made them feel like they would never have to face persecution, torture or even death.  Jesus told them on many occasions that he would be killed but they could not reckon that bit of information into their minds after seeing him raise the dead.  How could they be in any type of danger after witnessing such a thing? 

        Just as the disciples withdrew into a room together for fear of the Jews after the reality of a fallen world, Jesus shows up to give them another shot of faith, hope and love.  As we experience the loss of a patient, we might be reminded of death’s apparent power.  We at Southwest will be reckoning the death of a long-time pt, Ms. Annelle Burch.  I do believe that everyone of us at some time stopped in to visit Ms. Burch, just to say hello as she read the news paper or watched a sports game on TV.  She passed on this weekend and our dear chaplain BJ Spanos offered spectacular pastoral support to the family. 

      And now she has been given entrance into the glorious company of saints in light, into the merciful arms of her savior in heaven.  We do not always cope well with the death of someone who seemed to have the upper hand on death.  But this event will shake us into reality to remind us of our own demise.  That can be scary….

        Being a chaplain, I believe this is a good thing because it allows us to take the mission of Jesus just like he said it would be.  To bask in the glory of the miracles of Jesus can be somewhat deceptive on the human side because we each want to settle a score in life that God does not.  We may feel that we can survive this life without the pain of loss and suffering because we are children of the Great King on High.  But that was not part of the mission and plan of God, and the crucifixion shocked them and us to know that we will face the very harsh lesson that life as we know it will come to an end.   


    Jesus stepped into the room with His disciples to let them know that the crucifixion was not the end.  It was the commencement of their mission to go to all the world to deliver this faithful message.  They needed a shot of faith, hope and love.     

       20 As he spoke, he held out his hands for them to see, and he showed them his side. They were filled with joy when they saw their Lord! 21 He spoke to them again and said, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."  Jn 20:20-21

     Even though they were filled with joy, as the Crucified One was alive again, Jesus gave them next phase in the mission of God.  They were not to cower in fear.  They were not to be shaken with suffering and the threat of death was not the basis by which they would make future decisions.  God, the Father was with them just as He was with His dear Son Jesus. 

     I know that I will miss the graceful face of Ms. Burch in her room sitting up and reading the paper or enjoying her lunch but I am reminded that she has gone on to enjoy the real reward that was promised by Christ.  The death may sadden me but her new life in eternity should give me great joy!  God is still with her. 

     The aftermath of the crucifixion shocks us into a crucial reality that we now have a reminder of the urgent message of the One who makes all things new.  Jesus has paid the price and we now can look fearful opposition in the face and proclaim to all that Jesus is alive!   The glory of the Gospel is special and continues to overcome sin in the world, But:

      The reality of the Gospel is that the world is still fallen and people everywhere are seeking A Savior.  So, we must go.  This earthly experience tends to send us into the fight, flight or freeze mode but You may need a shot of faith, hope and love. God has different plans.   

     So, we are to go and make disciples wherever we find ourselves. 

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